Saturday, September 8, 2018

MADE Rules Breakdown -- Topic One

M.A.D.E. Rules Discussion   -- Topic One
Game Parameters
A game lasts for 60 minutes.  The 60 minutes can be divided up into halves or periods as each league sees fit.  Fountain City Roller Derby uses the four 15 minute periods of play.
Each jam can last up to 90 seconds.  The Head Ref will signal the start of the jam by one short whistle blast.  Each jam is ended by one long whistle blast.  The jam can be ended on time or called off by the lead jammer and in some cases a thumbs down injury.
There is up to 30 seconds between each jam.  Each team has 30 seconds to position their skaters on the track.  If you field too many players, this is a team penalty and must be served by a skater.  If you skate a player short, the other team automatically gets a point upon the start of the jam.
Each team has five players on the track for each jam:  One Jammer, One Pivot and Three Blockers.  The jam will always start with a Jammer and Pivot being fielded.  If the Jammer from the previous jam is still in the penalty box, they will become a blocker on the next jam.
Each team has a total of four timeouts.  They are split evenly between periods.  Timeouts do not carry over from period to period.  Only Coaches and Captains may call a team timeout.  They do so by forming a “T” with their hands and calling timeout to the referees.  Officials can call as many time outs as they would like.  Timeouts are signaled with four short whistle blasts.
The team with the highest amount of points wins the game.
If the score is tied after regulation play, there is a Sudden Death jam.  The first team to score wins.
M.A.D.E. Slaughter Option: Within the last five minutes of the third period, should one team be leading by more than 50 points, the teams may convene and decide if the fourth period will be played.  The trailing team is the one that makes the decision.
M.A.D.E. Coed Structure:  No more than two male members per jam.  Cannot field a male jammer/pivot combo.
Questions and scenarios will be posted on the Facebook Group, please answers those in the threads provided and if you have questions, feel free to post them.  This information is needed for your written test towards the end of training.

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