Tuesday, August 29, 2017

I've Decided to Take the Leap

by Mr. Roboto

You’ve been to the recruitment meeting. You’ve convinced your significant other/family/friends that you really aren’t joking and you are serious about giving this “derby thing” a try. You’ve even ponied up the money to buy the skate gear. Recruitment practices start next week but you haven’t skated since you were hugging the wall as an 8 year-old at that rink your parents used to take you so your sister could have a birthday party with her friends (which they conveniently forgot to offer as a birthday venue when your birthday came around….parents can be so mean). So what should you focus on besides not trying to fall down?


1. Form over Speed

​Form is critical to becoming a good and especially, a great derby player. Start with bad form, and it can lead to bad habits that can take months or even years to break and set you back in terms of your development. Bad form can lead to an inefficient stride and make you much slower than you would be if you had proper form. Bad form can make the next progression of skills that much harder to “get.” Pay attention to everything your instructor says. From derby stance to weight distribution to shoulder plane, soak up every bit you can and try to implement it into what you are doing. If you have a question on form, ASK! Instructors may leave out details that are key to your understanding. Get the idea of what you are supposed to be doing the first time, and it will give you a great foundation going forward. There will be times when you want to go fast. Like Ricky Bobby fast. But, at the beginning, really try to concentrate on form over speed.


The skaters who make the most progress are the ones who come to as many practices (and open skates) as possible. No one is ever good at a sport the first time. It can take months if not years to complete some skills. The more you work on that skill, the faster you will speed up your development. Want to be a great player? Spend more time on skates!

3. Push Your Limits

Once you start to get the hang of the form, it’s time to push your limits. That cut you just made around the cone? Try to cut it closer and make a harder cut. That shoulder block you just threw? Try getting your hips involved. That 20 lap time you just did? Push yourself to cut off 15 seconds. You are going to fall down – like, a lot – if you are truly pushing the boundaries of your skill. The instructors and seasoned vets will know only too well that falling means you are learning. But if you are keeping good form, or at least trying to, you will start to make advances in your skills.


4. Try New Things

You will see skaters who do some pretty awesome moves if you are around derby for any length of time. You will envy them. Want to be like them. Want to collect their sweaty jersey after practice. No? Too far? However far your derby crush goes, there is nothing stopping you from trying that move. Seriously. Courage is a big part of derby. Being willing to try new things, fall time after time only to get up and try it again can take you to another level. You are covered in pads; use them to your benefit.
Trying new things also means doing something perhaps contrary to what you already know on skates. For example, derby skaters do not drag their toestops to stop. This can actually be dangerous in game play. Really try to break the habit of using your toestops and make yourself use a derby stop every time you need to stop or slow down so that you will master them quicker. Are you an expert skater who has been skating in rinks all your life? You may be surprised at some of the things that you might have to “unlearn” in order to be a successful derby skater. Don’t fight the change; challenge yourself!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Bout Day Preview -- 8/26/17

First up, we have the coed teams battle each other out for the last bout before the coveted championship! This time around we have The Untouchables, the reigning champs from last year, pitted against The Public Enemies, wanting to reclaim the crown from the 2016 season. Even with the season coming to a close soon, skaters are still definitely feeling the fire and excitement as we sprint into the last bouts. Both teams are currently 1-0, making this game a pivotal game for the championship bout on September 30th!


The Untouchables can play a hard fought game, and are ready to face the red team. Race’N Voorhees declares, “Yes, I love this rivalry. I wasn't here when it started; I was tossed into it. I remember my first time playing for the championship, we fought so hard and still lost... now I feel like we (l) always have something to make up for. I think it's that way on both sides. We all like each other, but man, we all turn it up a notch when we play each other. As for how I feel, I have trust in my team. Win, lose, or draw, I wouldn't want to take the track with anyone else. Can't Touch This.” You won’t feel the blues watching this team!

Don’t count out The Public Enemies, though. Nikki Nikrosis of The Public Enemies says, “I'm so excited about this Saturday's game against The Untouchables! They are a tough team to beat, and it will be an epic battle, but my team is ready. I'm confident that we will do what we do best, play as a team and execute our strategy. Go Pubs!” Don’t worry, Pubs! You’ll get the chance to take the track and show your tenacity! Paint the track RED!


Playing directly after the Coed bout, we have the Zombie/Rec League! With many familiar faces, and some new ones, these ladies are ready to rock out their last bout for the season. Skating in Black and Green, the Zombie League is an homage to Fountain City Roller Derby’s roots as Dead Girl Derby. These mash-up style teams play fun, exciting derby. Featuring ladies from House and Coed, as well as their own recreational skaters, be sure to check them out this Saturday directly after the Coed bout!


One of our newest skaters, Scar-Ya Stark, wants to let us know that “Zombie league (and derby in general) is made up of the best group of people I have ever met! Having a group of badass women who are more than happy to teach and help you learn all about derby is the best. I am so stoked to play with everyone on Saturday so we can all show off what we've learned.”


Hopefully we’ll see you for the bout this Saturday, August 26th at 6:00pm at B&D Skate Center for some derby action, or at our championship bout on September 30th!


Need more info? Check us out on Facebook or Instagram today!


Want to join roller derby? Check out what FCRD is all about on one of our recruitment nights!

Monday, August 28th at 8:00pm at B&D Skate Center

Tuesday, September 5th at 9:00pm at B&D Skate Center


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Pick Your Person: A Guide to Choosing Your Derby Name

By Parks And Wreck You’ve finally decided to strap on those skates and get out on the track, bumpin’ hips with the best of them, the wi...